Are Bananas High Or Low in Histamine

Are Bananas High Or Low in Histamine? (7 Questions Answered!)

Banana is a very popular fruit that is available in almost every place in the world. However, for those with histamine intolerance, the question arises, are bananas high or low in histamine? 

It depends on the ripeness of the bananas. Unripe bananas are low in histamine, while ripe bananas are not.

Bananas are not high in histamine, but they are considered to be “histamine liberators,” which means they can trigger histamine-producing cells to release histamine. Although bananas contain comparatively little histamine, they are one of the histamine liberators. Histamine liberators promote histamine release in the body or block the enzyme DAO, which is necessary for histamine degradation.

In this blog post, I’ll share more about histamine and bananas, which can help you understand more.

First of all, you have to know what histamine is and what its role is in the body.

Histamine is a naturally occurring compound in the body that plays a crucial role in immune responses, regulating stomach acid production and acting as a neurotransmitter. It is most commonly known for its involvement in allergic reactions and inflammation.

In the body, histamine has several important functions, including:

  • Mediating allergic reactions
  • Regulating stomach acid secretion
  • Acting as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system
  • Influencing blood vessel dilation and constriction
  • Contributing to inflammation and itchiness

Bananas and Histamine Liberators

Bananas contain compounds known as histamine liberators. These substances can cause the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils, potentially leading to increased histamine levels in the body.

Bananas and Histamine Liberators
Bananas and Histamine Liberators

Factors Affecting Histamine Levels in Bananas

Factors that can influence histamine levels in bananas include:

  • Ripeness
  • Storage conditions
  • Time since harvest

Are green bananas high in histamine?

Green bananas are not high in histamine as they contain less histidine than ripe bananas. 

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However, they are not as flavorful as ripe bananas and can be harder to digest. Therefore, it is best to eat yellow bananas that are not overly ripe.

As bananas ripen, their histamine levels tend to increase. Unripe, green bananas have lower histamine levels than ripe, yellow bananas.

Green bananas have a lower histamine content compared to their ripe counterparts. This makes them a better option for those following a low histamine diet.

Are green bananas high in histamine
Are green bananas high in histamine

Are Ripe Bananas Low in Histamine?

No, ripe bananas are not low in histamine.

Bananas become ripe as they change from green to yellow in color, and their starch content breaks down into sugar. The ripening process also leads to softening of the fruit and a sweeter taste.

As bananas ripen, their histamine levels increase. This is due to the natural degradation of amines and other compounds during the ripening process.

Although ripe bananas have higher histamine levels, they may still trigger histamine release in sensitive individuals due to the presence of histamine liberators.

So, Are ripe bananas low in histamine? The answer is not straightforward.

Even though ripe bananas don’t have a lot of histamines, some people who are sensitive to them may still have a reaction when they eat them. We don’t know exactly why this happens.

Histamine is a chemical that helps our body fight off bad things like germs and injuries. But some people may not be able to handle too much of it, and they can get itchy, have hives, or sneeze a lot when they eat foods that have histamine.

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They might also get pain in their belly. Unfortunately, the riper the banana, the higher the potential histamine content because histamine is actually formed due to the degradation of the protein. Therefore, some people may need to avoid ripe bananas if they have histamine intolerance.

However, this may vary depending on individual factors such as age, gender, genetics, and gut health. A nutrition professional can guide someone through a low histamine diet and help them identify which foods cause their symptoms.

Are Unripe Bananas Low Histamine?

Yes, unripe bananas are low in histamine.

The answer to whether unripe bananas are low in histamine or not may depend on your individual sensitivity and tolerance level. You may want to try unripe bananas first and see how you react. You may also want to pair them with antihistamine foods and consume them immediately after peeling.

Unripe bananas are green in color, firmer, and less sweet compared to ripe bananas. They contain more resistant starch and less sugar.

Are Unripe Bananas Low Histamine
Are Unripe Bananas Low Histamine

Unripe bananas have lower histamine levels compared to ripe bananas. This makes them a better option for those on a low histamine diet.

Unripe bananas can be a suitable option for a low histamine diet due to their lower histamine content. However, it’s essential to consider individual tolerances and reactions.

Is Green Banana Flour Low in Histamine?

Yes, green banana flour is low in histamine.

Green banana flour is a gluten-free flour alternative made from unripe, green bananas. It is made by peeling, drying, and grinding unripe green bananas into a fine powder.

Green banana flour has lower histamine levels compared to ripe bananas due to its unripe state. This makes it a potentially suitable option for those following a low histamine diet.

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Are Plantains Low in Histamine?

No, plantains are not low in histamine.

Histamine levels in plantains can vary depending on their ripeness, similar to bananas. Unripe plantains are likely to have lower histamine levels compared to ripe ones.

Plantains are a starchy, less sweet relative of the banana, commonly used in Caribbean, African, and Latin American cuisines. They are typically cooked before consumption and can be eaten at various stages of ripeness.

Some differences between plantains and bananas include the following:

  • Plantains are starchy and less sweet
  • Plantains are typically cooked before consumption
  • Plantains have a thicker skin
Bananas on a Low Histamine Diet
Bananas on a Low Histamine Diet

Can You Have Bananas on a Low Histamine Diet?

Yes, You can have bananas on a low-histamine diet. But it is recommended to unripe bananas.

If you want to include bananas in a low-histamine diet, consider the following tips:

  • Opt for unripe, green bananas: As mentioned earlier, unripe bananas have lower histamine levels compared to ripe bananas.
  • Consume fresh bananas: Histamine levels can increase with time and storage conditions, so consuming fresh bananas may help minimize histamine intake.
  • Pay attention to individual reactions: Some people may be more sensitive to histamine liberators in bananas than others. Monitor your symptoms and adjust your banana intake accordingly.

Portion control and frequency of consumption

To minimize the risk of triggering histamine reactions, it’s essential to practice portion control and limit the frequency of banana consumption. Start with small amounts and gradually increase your intake while monitoring your symptoms.

Other low histamine alternatives to bananas

If bananas don’t suit your low-histamine diet, consider these alternatives:

  • Blueberries: Low in histamine and rich in antioxidants.
  • Apples: Low histamine fruit with a good amount of fiber.
  • Pears: Another low histamine fruit option that is easily digestible.

What is a low histamine diet?

A low histamine diet is a diet designed to minimize histamine intake, which may be beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to histamine, experience histamine intolerance, or suffer from conditions like mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).

low histamine diet
Low histamine diet

Knowing the histamine levels in various foods is essential for individuals following a low-histamine diet. High histamine foods can exacerbate symptoms in those with histamine intolerance or related issues.

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Cooking and Storing Bananas to Reduce Histamine Levels

Cooking and storing bananas can help reduce their histamine content. Cooking bananas can deactivate the enzymes that convert histidine and histamine, thereby reducing the histamine levels in the fruit.

Storing bananas in the refrigerator can also slow down the ripening process and reduce histamine levels.


Can I eat bananas if I have a histamine intolerance?

Yes, you can eat bananas if you have histamine intolerance.
However, it’s better to eat bananas that aren’t ripe yet, or ones that have been cooked or kept in the fridge to have less stuff called histamine in them.

Can cooking or freezing bananas reduce their histamine content?

Yes, cooking or freezing bananas can reduce their histamine content.
Cooking and freezing can deactivate the enzymes that convert histidine and histamine, thereby reducing the histamine levels in the fruit.

Are bananas high in histamine?

Bananas are not considered high in histamine, but they do contain histamine liberators, which can trigger the release of histamine in the body. Histamine levels in bananas can vary depending on their ripeness and storage conditions.

Are unripe bananas lower in histamine?

Yes, unripe bananas are lower in histamine compared to ripe bananas, making them a better option for those following a low histamine diet.

Do bananas cause histamine release?

Bananas contain histamine liberators, which can cause the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils. This may lead to increased histamine levels in the body, especially in individuals who are sensitive to histamine or have histamine intolerance.


Histamine plays a vital role in the body, and knowing histamine levels in foods is crucial for those following a low-histamine diet. Bananas contain histamine liberators, and their histamine levels vary depending on their ripeness and storage conditions.

Unripe, green bananas have lower histamine levels compared to ripe bananas, making them a better option for a low histamine diet.

Bananas can be included in a low histamine diet, but it’s essential to choose unripe bananas and monitor your individual reactions. Practicing portion control and considering low histamine alternatives can also help manage histamine intake and reduce the risk of triggering histamine-related symptoms. I hope you find the article “Are Bananas High Or Low in Histamine?” helpful.

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