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Can You Eat Bananas with Braces On?

Yes, you can indeed have bananas while you have your braces. But there is some advice that you should consider before you go off chewing the banana that you half-peeled before making the Google search that landed you here.  See, you aren’t that dumb at all.  Braces make our beautiful smiles even more attractive. In […]

Can You Eat Bananas with Braces On?

Yes, you can indeed have bananas while you have your braces. But there is some advice that you should consider before you go off chewing the banana that you half-peeled before making the Google search that landed you here. 

See, you aren’t that dumb at all. 

Braces make our beautiful smiles even more attractive. In some miraculous cases, they even help correct bite problems. Getting braces is never too late, as they help with teeth alignment. In fact, the more early, the better for you. 

But getting braces is not that easy as you’ll have to cut down a few food items as they can get stuck between your teeth. Braces need certain caring and it’s best to avoid a few food items. 

But the bigger question: can you eat your favorite health food banans with braces? Read more to know how to eat bananas when you have braces on, and what else foods you can eat and you should avoid when you get braces.

What Are Braces And How To Care For Them? 

Before you know the dos and don’ts of braces, let us educate you about what braces are exactly and why anyone gets braces. Braces help our teeth correct their alignment and straighten them. They improve our smiles, teeth function, and health. 

Although they help with our teeth’ appearance, we have to be mindful of what we eat while we have our braces on. If we are not cautious, it can damage the braces. 

They need to be tended to every now and then. You will need to brush your teeth much longer and also avoid a few foods as they can damage the braces and get between your teeth.

What Foods Can You Eat?

Opt for soft chewable foods when you get your braces. In your initial days of getting braces, your mouth will be sensitive to a few food items. Therefore, choose to eat anything that is soft and easy for you to chew. 

  • Foods to eat in the first few days of getting braces: 
  • Soups 
  • Yogurt 
  • Mashed potatoes 
  • Soft vegetables 
  • Drinks (best to drink only water and milk) 
  • Scrambled eggs 

These foods are safe to eat during the initial days after you first get your braces. Even after the initial days, it is totally fine for you to continue eating them during your treatment. Of course, it is easy to chew such foods but they are also highly beneficial for your dental health.

What Foods Can You Eat and not eat
What Foods Can You Eat and not eat?

What Food Should You Not Eat? 

Now, what foods should you avoid? In order for braces to stay in good health for a longer time, you should avoid these foods: 

  • Candies (both hard and sticky) 
  • Nuts 
  • Chips 
  • Popcorn 
  • Pretzels 
  • Anything spicy (may cause inflammation) 
  • Crunchy veggies and fruits (apples, for instance) 
  • Rolls 
  • Bagels 
  • Meat (if chewy) 
  • Ice cream 

Some foods from the above list may be a big no-no but you can indulge yourself in occasional treats if you maintain a healthy dental health overall.

For example, it is best to avoid ice cream as it may cause sensitivity. You can eat meat once in a rare blue moon but only if it is cut into small pieces and cooked to perfection, or at least soft enough for you to not chew much.

Should You Eat Bananas With Braces? 

Yes, you can definitely eat bananas with braces on. But you will have to be cautious when you eat them. 

For starters, you can mash up your bananas or make them into a puree and have it. Bananas are superfoods that you would not want to skip when you are going through your dental treatment. 

If you do not like to mash your banana or make it into a puree, then simply slice them into small pieces. Be mindful when you are chewing as it is not right to put pressure on your braces when you are chewing. 

Doing these few things will ensure that you get the best of your banana without damaging your braces.

How To Minimize The Risk While Eating Bananas With Braces On? 

Mashing up the banana or making it into a puree isnt enough. You have to take some steps to ensure proper maintenance for your teeth. 

As they say, “Better safe than sorry.” 

You will have to take up a few precautions when eating bananas with braces on. To start with, be careful when you take a bite. Take a small bite of the banana slowly and start chewing it steadily. Be soft and slow while chewing as rushing off can harm your braces. 

A better suggestion for you. Cut the bananas into small sizes if you find it hard to decipher the chunk of the banana when you bite into it.

Another thing not to do when choosing the right type of banana is never to eat an unripe banana and not, at all costs, go for an overripe banana. The unripe banana is harder to chew and overripe bananas tend to leave a residue on your teeth that is hard to get off. 

With all these tips and tricks, you will be able to eat your banana all good and fine. 


Now that you know how to eat your banana with braces on, what are you waiting for? Make sure you are careful when you chew them. Let us know in the comments if you will mash your bananas or make them into a puree or cut them into teeny, tiny pieces.


Anmita Das

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