pH of Banana

Banana pH Level: Understanding Acidity and Alkalinity of Bananas

Shoumya Chowdhury

·Knowledge Base

Understanding the pH of bananas allows you to determine if the fruit is suitable for consumption. Bananas are a fruit with an average pH of 4.0. 

There are many banana varieties, and they differ according to their pH. So, the pH levels will determine if you are able to consume a specific type of banana.

What is the pH of a Banana? Its pH typically is between 4.4-5.2 for unripe bananas, which makes them acidic in the natural environment. On the other hand, the pH of ripe bananas is approximately 6.5-6.6, which is less acidic.

This article will examine how bananas’ pH affects you to let you determine if you are able to consume them or how frequently. 

There are a lot of things to cover or cut off. Let’s start.

Can our stomachs endure the acidity of bananas
Can our stomachs endure the acidity of bananas

What is pH?

The acronym for pH is “power of hydrogen.” Hydrogen ions with both positive and negative charges in soil affect how other elements, like potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus in fertilizers, react with it and at what levels they become accessible for absorption by plant roots.

The amount of positive hydrogen ions, commonly referred to as H+, and negative hydroxyl ions or OH- in the soil is measured using the 14-point scale for pH. 

Soil with a pH below 7.0 has higher concentrations of H+ ions and is described as acidic. On the other hand, soil with an acidity level greater than 7.0 has more H+ ions and could be described as “alkaline,” while any pH above 7.0 is neutral.

Plants typically thrive when their pH range is within a specific range, as certain minerals and elements either cannot be taken up by roots or break down to form liquid at levels that can be toxic for them. Their preferred pH range is, therefore, between 6.5-7.0.

What is pH
What is pH

Optimal pH for Bananas

Bananas like slightly acidic soil to neutral with a pH range of 5.5 up to 6.5 according to the pH scale. Check your soil’s pH with the pH test kit at home, or take it to a laboratory for soil testing to get the most precise reading. It is recommended to do this at least one year before planting bananas.

In some states, your county cooperative extension services will conduct tests for you at a modest fee, but in many instances, they’ll suggest the most accurate tests at home or refer you to an established testing company.

Get several samples from various regions of the area in which you intend for your plantation of bananas. The samples should be taken away from your root system but not from the top of the soil. Mix the samples. About a pound is needed to conduct professional testing.

pH Values of Different Banana Types

There are over 1,000 varieties of this tropical fruit that have various amounts of acidity. Although it’s difficult to establish the pH of every kind, looking at the most popular ones could be helpful.

The most common type sold in stores is the Cavendish variety, which has an acidity of around 5.5 and is somewhat acidic. Apple bananas have an acidity of 5.8 and are very acidic. Red apples are higher, with a peak of 6.2. The pH of plantains is higher, reaching 6.5.

Baby bananas and Burro are top performers when it comes to low acidity. They have excellent pH ratings. Burros have an average pH of 7.6 while the others are rated at 7.3.

How to do a litmus test to measure the pH of banana
How to do a litmus test to measure the pH of banana

Determining the pH of Bananas

Cavendish bananas are grown in huge quantities.

They are able to achieve large yields for a hectare (due to the shorter stems and their resistance to environmental harm) and contribute around 45-50% of the world’s production of bananas.

As a popular and extensively consumed food item, There are many questions that come up from time to time regarding issues like – nutrition value, acidity, and ripeness.

Fruits that are excessively acidic are harmful to your health. Knowing the pH value of a banana will aid in determining the consequences of its consumption of it.

To test a banana’s pH, the most straightforward method is this:

  • Rinse with water and pat dry using either a clean cloth or a paper towel.
  • Cut the banana in two and place it on a platter for easy viewing.
  • Make a small cut (about 1-1.5 millimeters) on one side of your banana, then press it firmly onto that cut edge.

The strip will develop color and be measured against a standard scale.

The color of the indicator can help identify the level of pH in a banana. The same process can be repeated for other fruits using different parts of pH paper.

What is the pH of bananas

The pH of a fruit is the amount of base or acid present in the banana. A banana may have a pH range between 0 and 12 when it is ripe, unripe, cooked or overripe or blended, mashed or decayed.

Every state an individual banana could be will determine its pH and nutritional value. This will be covered below.

BananaPh level
Ripe banana6.5 to 6.7 
Under ripe banana4.4 and 5.2
Overripe banana6.5 to 7.6
Banana peel9.91
Banana juice6.5
Cooked banana4.0 and 5.0
Banana puree4.5 and 5.0
Rotten banana8.0 to 10.0 
Red banana6.2
Cavendish banana5.5
Burro banana7.6
Baby banana 7.3
Apple banana5.8
Detailed Table of pH of Banana
pH of Different Types of Bananas
pH of Different Types of Bananas

Ripe banana

A perfectly ripe banana has an acidity range between 6.5 to 6.7, making it a nutritional powerhouse. The benefits of eating healthy fruits and vegetables cannot be over-emphasized; having access to fresh produce at your disposal is invaluable.

Ripe fruits are high in calories; one banana alone can provide 112 calories. Furthermore, pectin found within bananas helps prevent constipation as well as indigestion.

Fresh fruits are packed with potassium and magnesium, two essential nutrients for heart health as well as blood pressure regulation.

Ripe bananas contain antioxidants which may reduce the risk of developing disease. Furthermore, their high resistant starch content allows for reduced food consumption due to less portion control.

Under ripe banana

The pH of an under-ripe banana is somewhere between 4.4 and 5.2, which is what makes it acidic in the natural environment. Bananas that are under-ripe, in contrast to those that are ripe, offer health benefits as well as nutritional value.

The acidity in bananas that aren’t ripe is why they are abundant in pectin and starch. This improves digestion health and improves the sugar levels in the blood.

The underripe bananas aren’t as sweet as bananas that are ripe, and their acidity slowly diminishes as they age.

Overripe banana

Overripe bananas have a pH that ranges from 6.5 and 7.6. The overripe bananas are more acidic. While they don’t have the same quantity of nutrients that a fully ripe banana, they’re nutritional, nevertheless. The enzymes present in a mature banana convert complex carbohydrates into sugars that are simple.

If you find that your bananas are ripe, don’t throw them out. The overripe fruit helps strengthen the immune system and may also help to fight against cancer.

Ripe bananas keep cholesterol levels under control and help prevent anemia. It helps improve the health of your cardiovascular system, prevents ulcers, and aids in alleviating heartburn.

Banana peel

Banana Peels are among the most basic of nature, having a pH of 9.91. While they may not be harmful, banana peels are safe to consume and packed with essential vitamins. Eating banana peels – particularly those that aren’t ripe yet – could potentially lower your risk of developing cancer.

Many people are not aware of the health benefits that banana peels offer. Unfortunately, most people discard them after eating their bananas.

It is essential to thoroughly wash your banana peel in order to get rid of any fertilizers or chemicals present. Water will dissolve any remaining chemicals on the peel of your fruit.

Banana peels can be quite bitter, so many people prefer not to eat the fruit on its own. If this applies to you, try mixing bananas with another fruit in a baking dish with sugar and cinnamon before boiling them for added flavor.

Banana juice

Banana juice can be made, though it may not be the most popular fruit juice available. The pH level of banana juice is 6.5, so if you can’t find it at your local supermarket, making banana juice yourself can be done easily enough.

Making banana juice is a simple task with common ingredients. All you need is a banana, water, and either a lemon or orange for flavoring.

Banana juice offers numerous health advantages, such as increased energy levels and stress relief. Furthermore, it cleanses the body, boosts immunity, aids digestion, and promotes sleep quality.

Cooked banana

Cooked bananas typically have a pH between 4.0 and 5.0, making them the ideal way to enhance their taste. Cooking the fruit helps turn its sugars into caramel, increasing sweetness while also intensifying any natural flavors present. Eating cooked bananas makes for an excellent snack or quick dessert on the go!

Cooking an unripe banana is the best method for enjoying this fruit if you can’t eat it raw. Once cooked, you can top it off with any topping of choice and even incorporate it into your weekly menu plan!

Banana puree

Natural banana puree typically has a pH level between 4.5 and 5.0, similar to juice but thicker. It can be prepared using either a blender, potato mashing device or by pressing the banana by hand without adding water.

Making banana puree at home is simple: just mix or mash a peeled, ripe banana with an added teaspoonful of orange or lemon juice for flavoring. Eat according to your preference! Banana puree also makes great baby food; babies can be fed the puree instead of individual pieces of banana.

Banana juice is best eaten fresh. If you have leftovers, then you must store them inside an airtight container. You may put it in a refrigerator.

Rotten banana

Bananas that have begun to decay typically have a pH level between 8.0 and 10.0; if the banana does not show signs of mold growth, do not discard it.

No need to worry if your banana’s skin is turning brown; the content inside is edible, and even rotten bananas can still be consumed and provide nutritional value.

Rotten bananas can be utilized to flavor food dishes. Mix unripe fruit with other fruits to make milkshakes or mix it with other ingredients for cookies and pancakes.

If you detect any smell of decay or mold on a banana, it’s not safe for consumption. Consuming fruit with an unpleasant odor could be hazardous to your health.

Banana pH
Banana pH

Are bananas acidic?

Banana TypepHNature
Yellow Banana5.00 – 5.29Slightly acidic
Green Bananas  4.50 – 5.20Acidic
Red Bananas4.58 – 4.75Acidic
Ripe Bananas6.5 – 6.6Alkaline
Unripe Bananas4.4-5.2Acidic
Cooked Bananas4.0 and 5.0Acidic
pH Level of different types of Bananas

Ripe bananas 

Ripe bananas aren’t acidic in any way. Their pH of 6.5 to 6.6 is nearly neutral. Thus, ripe fruit is considered alkaline and is not acidic. Therefore, if you eat one fresh banana every day, you shouldn’t have problems with acid reflux.

If you’re worried about whether “bananas are acidic for babies,” A ripe, fresh banana is the ideal option to keep your little children happy and full.

Green bananas 

Green bananas have a slightly acidic pH ranging from 4.5 to 5.2. Compared to ripe ones, green bananas may cause acidity if you consume more than one per day.

Additionally, if you already suffer from an existing digestive condition such as ulcers or GERD, be cautious when eating bananas that are green in color.

Overripe Bananas 

Fruit ingredients undergo oxidation as they ripen, decreasing their acidity in the process. As such, bananas that have become overripe lose their tartness and become neutral.

Overripe bananas will become too soft for you to consume as a regular banana but can still be used in baking (banana cakes, bread, or smoothies).

Cooked bananas 

Cooking can neutralize the acidity of almost all foods. Therefore, cooked bananas would no longer be acidic, regardless of whether they are ripe or green.

If you didn’t, you might end up with sweet banana bread or tangy banana cakes. Remember that overcooking bananas could ruin their texture and flavor.

Are bananas alkaline?

Are bananas alkaline?
Are bananas alkaline?

Yes, Bananas are technically thought to be alkaline. But certain varieties have more acidic properties than others. It is important to know that all bananas can be considered alkaline when eaten. However, there are rare exceptions.

There’s evidence to suggest that the fermentation process of bananas may result in the formation of alkaline compounds. So, bananas can be alkaline-forming and could provide an alkalizing effect to the body.

Are Green Bananas Alkaline?

The answer is no; the green bananas aren’t really all that alkaline. The pH scale measures the degree of acidity or alkalinity of an item. 

A pH of 7 is neutral. However, a pH that is lower than 7 is acidic. A pH over 7 is considered to be alkaline. They have a pH between 6.5 and 6.7, which makes them slightly acidic.

When they begin to ripen, the pH goes up. These make ripe bananas nearly neutral or alkaline on the scale of pH. While bananas that are green aren’t technically alkaline, they’re close to neutral.

Are Ripe Bananas Alkaline?

Yes, Ripe bananas have a pH that ranges from 6.7 to 7.4, which makes them alkaline. The amount of acidity in bananas varies as they mature. When fruit isn’t ripe, it has an acidity level that is higher than it does when it is mature.

Unripe bananas possess a strong, astringent taste, whereas ripe bananas are sweet and smooth. The variance in acidity levels is due to the fluctuating levels of enzymes present in the fruit.

If you like your bananas sweet and ripe or green and unripe, the one thing is for certain they’re not acidic.

Which acid is present in bananas
Which acid is present in bananas

Are bananas acidic or alkaline?

At first glance at this question, it may seem to be an easy one that bananas are acidic, aren’t they? In the end, they are usually consumed as a sweet dessert or snack, and their tart flavor indicates that they’re acidic by nature.

Then, where do bananas fit in the spectrum? Is it acidic, or are they alkaline? Although bananas are frequently believed to be acidic, they’re actually extremely alkaline.

There are many different types of bananas that are alkaline, and in fact, certain fruits are more acidic than others. The most recommended bananas include burro and baby bananas. These are all-natural and non-hybrid and contain seeds as well as alkaline.

Why Are Bananas Acidic or Alkaline?

To grasp the fundamentals of the alkalinity of bananas, you need to understand the fundamentals on the scale for pH. Anything that has a pH lower than 7 is acidic, and over 7 is alkaline.

The pH of ripe bananas is 6.5, which is moderately acidic. Due to the high potassium in ripe fruit, they exhibit alkalinity that is found in nature.

In addition, most banana species are not acidic. However, certain varieties, such as green bananas, might have a degree of acidity.

Do Bananas Cause Acid Reflux?

No, they don’t cause acid reflux. In fact, they might be a big help in preventing acid reflux. 

Overripe Bananas 

Over Ripe fruits can be extremely acidic because enzymes that are overripe convert complex carbohydrates to simple sugars, which increases their acidity. A ripe banana has a pH of around 5.8 and is moderately acidic.

Fortunately, they don’t pose a danger to your heartburn if consumed in small quantities, in contrast to other acidic food items such as lemon (pH as high as 2.6).

It’s still advisable to avoid eating the ones that are overripe if you’re worried about acid reflux.

Cooked Bananas 

It is dependent on how the food is cooked. They’re the most alkaline when consumed raw. However, the digestion of raw bananas may be difficult, and you might feel bloated and gassy. 

If you’re looking to boil them, this is the best option. Boiling helps break down starch and makes them more digestible.

Avoid frying, as food cooked in oil has the most effects on acidity levels.

Are bananas bad for acid reflux?

Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux

No, Bananas aren’t bad for acid reflux. Bananas are among the foods that are safest to treat chronic cases of acid reflux as well as GERD. The alkalizing qualities of bananas assist in reducing acidity in the stomach and encourage the development of mucous around the stomach.

Additionally, it ensures the proper functioning of the esophageal muscle, which prevents reflux.

What kind of Banana is Good for Acid Reflux?

Green bananas can cause gas and bloating that could eventually lead to acid reflux.

Instead, eat them fresh – and if they are part of the burro species, then better. Burros are high in potassium, which is an electrolyte that is essential for maintaining the equilibrium of pH in the body.

They also have low levels of sodium, which is another essential electrolyte. This combination helps the pH of the body stay alkaline, preventing acidity. Burros also have a significant amount of fiber from the diet, which assists the body in eliminating toxins.

You could try to ease the symptoms of acid reflux by taking supplements, but you should avoid drinking too much because they can cause gas, bloating, and abdominal pain because of the high amount of fiber that is insoluble.

Why Should You Eat a Banana Daily?

Keep Blood Pressure under Control

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), eating more potassium-rich food is the best way to reduce sodium (salt) intake and boost potassium intake.

One serving of banana contains 9 percent of your daily recommended amount of potassium, making it an effective tool to control blood pressure and combat cardiovascular stress.

Keep Cancer Away

Lab research has proven that the protein in bananas, known as lectin, can inhibit the development of leukemia-related cells.

Lectin is a natural antioxidant. Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals that can cause harm to cells. Damage to cells and, in extreme cases, cancer could result from an over-production of free radicals inside the body.

Drive Away Diabetes

Research has demonstrated the nutritional benefits of bananas and other fruits, particularly their fiber content. A 2018 review revealed how consuming foods high in fiber could help those suffering from type 2 diabetes better regulate their blood sugar levels.

Why do bananas give me heartburn?

Bananas typically don’t cause heartburn, but if you eat an abundance of them, it may.

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid is released into your esophagus after eating or drinking alcohol or coffee.

Bananas themselves aren’t particularly acidic, but when consumed in large amounts, their acidity increases in your stomach. When combined with other stomach acids that are acidic, it may cause heartburn.

In Bottom!!

Well, here’s the guide about the pH of bananas. Now you have no confusion about whether it is banana acidic or alkaline. 

Be cautious and take a bite from the baby (pH that is 7.3) and burro-bananas (pH 7.6). Be aware that green bananas have more acidity than mature ones.

Cooking them will increase their acidity. However, boiling may help with digestion issues. Beware of eating them in fried form since they can cause heartburn.

And lastly, take them in moderation instead of eating them in large quantities. They make a great ingredient in smoothies and could help to balance the level of pH.

Frequently Asked Questions

What acid does a banana contain in it?
A banana is a source of organic acids like succinic acid, malic acid, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). These acids are what give bananas their distinct taste and aroma.
What foods neutralize stomach acid?
Foods with high levels of alkalinity are great for neutralizing stomach acid. This includes apples, bananas and pears, avocados, and other green vegetables. Ginger tea can also help to tone down acidity through its anti-inflammatory effects.
What fruits are low in acidity?
Melons, avocados, bananas, olives, and mangoes, as well as pears, all fall under this category. So those suffering from acid reflux can eat these fruits without the worry of creating symptoms.
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Shoumya Chowdhury

Blogger and Web Developer

Shoumya Chowdhury, an EEE graduate from CUET, is currently working as a web developer. Apart from his career, Shoumya is enthusiastic about blogging, sharing well-researched content on diverse topics. He is committed to providing authentic information and values the opportunity to engage with readers through his writing.


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